Monday, June 14, 2010

Congrats to client, ICON Dance Complex for Dance Your Ass Off Debut

This evening, we were pleased to align with the Oxygen Network to bring Times Square to a new level. Clients, Beth and GEO Hubela gave the crowd amongst Broadway- a performance to dance their "  " off. After two weeks of collaborating via phone, we brought our ideas to fruition on stage for the NYC Kick Off for the Dance Your Ass Off Tour, (or as they call it dance your a-star-star off) It's been a pleasure working with such inspiring colleagues such as Stephanie Rosman and GEO and Beth to bring events like this to the forefront. So proud of the ICONic dancers, including Zan Bongiovi, the 2009-2010 ICON of the Year, The Spellman Sisters who were in from Los Angeles to perform, and their peers.We love our clients.

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